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Ensuring Hearing Health for Construction Workers

The world of construction is full of activity. Buildings rise, roads expand, and cities evolve. In this bustling world, construction workers have the power to transform our urban landscapes. However, the constant clamor of machinery and equipment poses a significant threat to their hearing health. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a common challenge in the construction industry, and it’s time …

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How to Talk to Your Loved One About Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a common concern that’s often overlooked. If you suspect that a loved one is experiencing hearing difficulties, it’s essential to approach the topic with care, compassion, and empathy. Having a conversation about hearing loss can be a sensitive matter, but it’s a crucial step toward helping your loved one lead a happier, healthier life. Choose the Right …

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Ear Candling: The Trend You Shouldn’t Try

There’s a trend we really don’t think is worth the hype – ear candling. Some say it’s a miracle worker for cleaning ears and boosting overall well-being, but the reality is far from that. In fact, it can do a lot more harm than good! Let’s talk about ear candling, why it’s not something you should try, and what safer …

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Exploring Mood and Hearing Loss

Hearing loss isn’t just about diminished auditory function. Untreated hearing loss can profoundly impact various aspects of our lives, including our emotional well-being and mental health. When you’re struggling to hear, you’ll porbably notice changes in mood. You may become more socially withdrawn and lonely, or you may find yourself feeling frustrated and annoyed. Once you know that hearing loss …

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10 Facts About Hearing Loss You Should Know

Hearing loss might not be a hot topic, but it has significant implications for our daily lives. It’s not just about constantly straining to watch TV or asking loved ones to repeat themselves. Hearing loss can have real consequences for our overall health and well-being. Here are some facts about hearing loss you might not know. 1. Worldwide Hearing Loss …

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Blockbuster Bust: How Loud Movies Carry Hearing Risk

People who work in noisy industries, spending hours each day in loud situations, are usually the first to come to mind when discussing the dangers of noise-induced hearing loss. It’s true that there is a higher incidence of hearing loss among factory workers, military staff, and musicians than among people in other occupations. Thankfully, there are federally-enforced laws in place …

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Sound Strategies: Turning Up the Volume on Inclusion in Outdoor Festivities

Nearly half the weddings in 2022 occurred between the months of September and November. That’s an enormous share of festivities occurring in just a short amount of time!  Among the various residues of pandemic behavior, one holdover seems to be an increased tendency to hold large gatherings and parties outdoors. When we put these two data points together, it’s easy …

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Protecting the Hearing You Have Left

The road from recognizing age-related hearing loss to deciding how to proceed with treatment is long and winding. Hearing loss treatment delays can vary, but most people tend to wait a decade before they decide to act. As ubiquitous as the condition is, most people put off confronting hearing loss until things get ‘really bad.’  One-third of the population over …

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Addressing Hearing Loss May Improve Care of Older Adults

As we age, it seems there is more and more to consider concerning our health. This isn’t to say that things will go wrong—especially if we are vigilant around monitoring and maintaining small things about our health, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise and attending annual health care visits. However, the risk certainly increases of illness and decline of …

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Current & Former Smokers May Be at Higher Risk for Hearing Loss

It is always a good time to quit smoking once and for all. We know that smoking can increase the risk of lung disease, cancer, asthma, stroke, heart attack and more. However, recent studies have found that smoking also increases the risk of hearing loss. While hearing loss may not seem as terminal of a condition as some of those …