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Heat and Hearing Aids Don’t Mix

As temperatures rise during the summer months, individuals who wear hearing aids may encounter some unique challenges related to managing their devices in hot and humid conditions. Heat and humidity can affect the performance of hearing aids, potentially leading to discomfort or malfunction. Let’s explore how to navigate these challenges and ensure that your hearing aids continue to perform reliably …

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Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test

Hearing loss is a common health concern, but it often gets overlooked. But you know the truth. Even if your loved one is ignoring their hearing loss, it’s still having a major impact on their quality of life. If you suspect that a loved one may be experiencing hearing loss, encourage them to take a hearing test! This is an …

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Does Smoking and Alcohol Impact Your Hearing Health?

Maintaining good hearing health is important for overall well-being, but certain lifestyle factors like smoking and alcohol consumption can have a significant impact on our auditory system. Let’s explore the relationship between smoking, alcohol, and hearing health. These habits can contribute to hearing loss and other auditory issues. Understanding the connections between smoking, alcohol, and hearing can help you make …