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Wear Ear Protection During Summer DIY Projects

As the warm summer months arrive, many individuals embark on do-it-yourself (DIY) projects around their homes and gardens. While these projects can be rewarding and enjoyable, it’s essential to prioritize safety, including protecting your hearing. The relentless noise generated by power tools and machinery during DIY projects can pose a significant risk to your long-term hearing health. These loud noises …

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All About Millennials and Hearing Loss

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of hearing loss among millennials. Contrary to popular belief, hearing loss is not just a concern for older generations. The rise of hearing loss among millennials can be attributed to personal listening devices, exposure to loud concerts and music festivals, and the extensive use of headphones. In this …

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The Impact of Diet on Hearing Health

When we think about maintaining our hearing health, we often focus on factors such as noise exposure and regular check-ups with our hearing healthcare professionals. While these aspects are very important, one area that we may overlook is the impact of our diet. A well-balanced diet not only contributes to overall wellness but can also play a significant role in …

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How Summer Heat Can Impact Earwax Buildup

As the temperature rises during the summer months, we often find ourselves enjoying outdoor activities, soaking up the sun, and spending time by the pool. While summer brings joy and relaxation, it can also have an impact on our ear health, particularly when it comes to earwax buildup. Excessive heat and humidity can contribute to the production of earwax, leading …

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Asking the Right Questions During a Hearing Test

Getting a hearing test is an important step in understanding and addressing any potential hearing issues. Whether you’re scheduling a hearing test for the first time or following up on your hearing health, we want you to feel prepared. Asking the right questions can help you make the most of your appointment and gain valuable insights into your hearing health …

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Heat and Hearing Aids Don’t Mix

As temperatures rise during the summer months, individuals who wear hearing aids may encounter some unique challenges related to managing their devices in hot and humid conditions. Heat and humidity can affect the performance of hearing aids, potentially leading to discomfort or malfunction. Let’s explore how to navigate these challenges and ensure that your hearing aids continue to perform reliably …

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Encouraging a Loved One to Take a Hearing Test

Hearing loss is a common health concern, but it often gets overlooked. But you know the truth. Even if your loved one is ignoring their hearing loss, it’s still having a major impact on their quality of life. If you suspect that a loved one may be experiencing hearing loss, encourage them to take a hearing test! This is an …

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Does Smoking and Alcohol Impact Your Hearing Health?

Maintaining good hearing health is important for overall well-being, but certain lifestyle factors like smoking and alcohol consumption can have a significant impact on our auditory system. Let’s explore the relationship between smoking, alcohol, and hearing health. These habits can contribute to hearing loss and other auditory issues. Understanding the connections between smoking, alcohol, and hearing can help you make …

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Why Honesty Matters for Hearing Health

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction. Clear communication facilitates connections, relationships, and shared experiences. However, for individuals experiencing hearing difficulties, the temptation to pretend to hear or understand can be all too familiar. Have you nodded along even if you’ve had no clue what was said? Let’s explore the dangers of pretending to hear, the impact on auditory health, …

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Hearing Health and Pregnancy – Auditory Health During Maternity

Pregnancy is a transformative journey marked by numerous physical, emotional, and lifestyle changes. While expectant mothers prioritize their overall health during this time, the importance of maintaining hearing health often goes overlooked. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll explore the relationship between hearing health and pregnancy, addressing common concerns, potential risks, and strategies for preserving auditory wellness throughout maternity. Understanding the …