Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

Facts & Fictions about Hearing Loss

The World Health Organization (WHO) speculates that worldwide 466 million people suffer from hearing loss and this number is estimated to rise to nearly 900 million if understandings around hearing loss don’t change on an institutional and personal level. There are so many misconceptions around hearing loss which have created confusion and barriers around seeking treatments over the years. By dispelling myths and increasing education around the truths of hearing loss we can make sure that we as a society have the knowledge to protect our hearing and get the treatment we need when our hearing becomes damaged. Here are some common fictions around hearing loss that need to be widely untold!

Fiction: Hearing loss only occurs to older adults

While one in three 65 years and older suffer from hearing loss and this number jumps to one in two once we hit 75 and older, no one of any age is immune to hearing loss. We can damage our ears due to a wide range of causes from impact to the head, infection, certain medications, air pollution and exposure to noise, to name a few most common culprits. In fact, WHO estimates that 1.1 billion people between the ages of 12 and 35 are at risk for noise induced hearing loss sustained at entertainment venues and through headphone use. This means rather than waiting to grow old to worry about your hearing, it’s important to always consider the risk to your hearing. Trust us—you want to take care of your hearing!

Fiction: I can do just fine without the use of hearing aids

You may have some degree of hearing loss but consider it not too bad—at least not severe enough to wear hearing aids. While you may be able to fill in the spaces in sounds in words and sentences while socializing, it certainly isn’t ideal. In fact, it may be more damaging than you believe. When our brains are forces to strain it can have an impact on our cognitive health. Not only are we more exhausted after even what should be a relaxing social interaction but parts of the brain which previously were used to process missing sounds are redirected to other parts of the brain or even wither and die. People with untreated hearing loss often are at a higher risk of brain atrophy, cognitive decline, and dementia! In fact, even a mild hearing loss can cause people to score lower on cognitive exams so it’s important to treat hearing loss as soon as possible.

Fiction: Hearing aids are clunky and unwieldy

Hearing aid technology has continued to push the limits of micro processing. It seems that every year hearing aids continue to become smaller and more powerful all at once, loaded with features and options to enhance your listening experience. Not only are hearing aids constantly improving sound quality but they offer features to make your listening experience downright enjoyable without you even having to think about it. Today hearing aids offer features such as Bluetooth connectivity, background noise suppression, directional microphones to help you hear in noise, tinnitus masking, adaptive machine learning and so much more.

Fiction: Hearing loss is only caused by noise exposure. 

Noise is a serious risk to our hearing, but as noted earlier, there are many risks to our hearing to look out for. In essence supporting and protecting your hearing is about cell health. Eating a healthy diet, reducing stress, and getting plenty of rest is one of the best things you can do for your hearing, as chronic health conditions such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes can weaken the cells of your inner ear which send sound to the brain. While it’s important to keep your music turned to a safe limit, take listening breaks and more, keeping up with your general health will support your ears as well as your entire system.

Fiction: Hearing aids are too inconvenient and expensive for me. 

People often fear that hearing aids are too expensive and will be too inconvenient, without truly seeing to full picture. For one thing, hearing loss impacts not only your ability to communicate but your earnings at work. Investing in hearing aids is investing in your health, your relationships and overall quality of life. The more you wear them, its likely that you’ll never want to go back. To find out more, don’t hesitate to contact us today for a hearing test!